Good day everyone!
We are happy to announce the opening of submissions for No Safe Harbor 2, currently set for release December 1, 2012. Just like the last book, we are going to have the following three sections in the book:
Government accountability and transparency
Personal Privacy
Copyright/Patent/Trademark reform and abuse.
The deadline for submissions is set for September 1, 2012.
Please send submissions and other ideas to Oh, and just like the last book, we would like to have some comics in it as well.
We already have a few essays being worked on. Those are:
An essay on education in Florida
An essay about mashups and remixes
A piece on using TOR, haystacking, and other anonymizers online
We're planning for this book to be written by Pirates for Pirates, so if you consider yourself a Pirate (anywhere in the world), please contact us about getting in this book. Just like the last book, we plan on having it available in several digital formats and in paperback form.
Thank you, and rock on.